RAS Kapitza Institute RUS

September, 2014


Alexander B. Manenkov

Address: Kapitza Institute for Physical Problems, RAS
119334, ul. Kosygina 2, Moscow, Russia
Fax +74956512125, Phone +7?
e-mail: manenkov@kapitza.ras.ru

Research interests

Open waveguides, diffraction theory, fiber and integrated optics, quasi-optical systems, numerical and analytical methods for the analysis of optical and microwave waveguide elements, microwave electronics, nonlinear optics

Education, Degrees:

1996 - Dr. Sc. (Phys. & Math.), Radiophysics, the Saratov State University
1973 - Ph.D., Radiophysics, Institute for Physical Problems
1966 - Diploma, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Dept. of General and Applied Physics

Employment history

1966 - today: Leading Scientist, member of Scientific Council, Senior Scientist, Junior Scientist, Senior Engineer, Engineer, IPP RAS


Principal investigator of the project, supported by the Int. Foundation (1994 -1995)
Principal investigator of the scientific projects, supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Researches
(grants 97-02-16334, 00-02-17500, 03-02-16161, 06-02-16805, etc.)