RAS Kapitza Institute RUS

Alexander Ya. Parshin
RAS Corresponding Fellow, Professorial Fellow

Address: KIPP RAS, 119334, ul. Kosygina 2, Moscow, Russia
Fax: +74956512125
Phone: +7(499)1370998
e-mail: parshin@kapitza.ras.ru

Current research: Surface phenomena in helium crystals
CV List of publications
Recent publications
  • Nuclear Spin Ordering on the Surface of 3He Crystal: Magnetic Steps I.A. Todoshchenko, H. Alles, H.J. Junes, M.S. Manninen, and A.Ya. Parshin, Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 245302 (2009)
  • Anisotropy of c facets of 4He crystal. I.A. Todoshchenko, M.S. Manninen, A.Ya. Parshin. Phys. Rev. B84, 075132 (2011)
  • Use of a quartz resonator of the tuning fork type as a thermometer in a dilution refrigerator. S.T. Boldarev, R.B. Gusev, S.I. Danilin, A.Ya. Parshin. IET 54, 740 (2011)