Alexander Ya. Parshin, Prof
- Superconducting Thermal Switches
V.P. Peshkov, A.Ya. Parshin,
Sov. Phys. JETP 21, (1965), 258
- The Efficiency of Superconducting Thermal Switches
V.P. Peshkov, A.Ya. Parshin,
Proc. LT-9, Part A, Plenum Press,(1965), 517
- Internal Gravitational Waves in a Superfluid Solution
A.Ya. Parshin,
JETP Lett, 10, (1969), 362
- Measuring of Ultralow Temperatures with the aid of the Mossbauer effect
A.Ya. Parshin, V.P. Peshkov, B.G. Egiazarov, A.I. Shamov, V.P. Romashko,
JETP Lett, 15, (1972), 30
- Mossbauer Thermometer using 119Sn Nuclei in the Millikelvin Region
D.V. Pavlov, A.Ya. Parshin, V.P. Peshkov, B.G. Egiazarov, A.I.Shamov, V.P. Romashko,
JETP Lett, 16, (1972), 163
- On Mossbauer Thermometry in the Millikelvin Region
A.Ya. Parshin, V.P. Peshkov,
JLTP, 15, (1974), 417
Growth and Properties of Sodalit Crystals
O.K. Melnikov, A.N. Lobachev, B.N. Grechushnikov, N.S. Triodina, A.Ya. Parshin
, in: Growth of Crystals from High Temperature Water Solutions, Nauka, Moscow (1977), 5
- Highest Possible Values of the Felgett Gain in the Multiplex Spectroscopy
A.Ya. Parshin, B.N. Grechushnikov,
Opt. and Spectr., 45, (1978), 788
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- Equilibrium Shape and Oscillations of the Surface of Quantum Crystals
A.F. Andreev, A.Ya. Parshin,
Sov. Phys. JETP, 48, (1978), 733
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Spectral Function and Optimal Parameters of Finite-Aperture Fourier Spectrometer
S.Yu. Koryshev, B.N. Grechushnikov, I.N. Kalinkina, A.Ya. Parshin, J. Appl. Spectr. 31, 745, (1979)
- Experimental Detection of Crystallization Waves in 4He
K.O. Keshishev, A.Ya. Parshin, A.V. Babkin,
JETP Lett, 30, (1979), 56
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- Elastic Properties of the Crystal Surface
V.I. Marchenko, A.Ya. Parshin,
Sov. Phys. JETP, 52, (1980), 129
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- Capillary Transmission of Sound and Anomalous Kapitza Resistance on the Solid-Liquid Helium Interface
V.I. Marchenko, A.Ya. Parshin,
JETP Lett, 31, (1980), 724
- Crystallization Waves in 4He
K.O. Keshishev, A.Ya. Parshin, A.V. Babkin,
Sov. Phys. JETP, 53, (1981), 362
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Crystallization Waves in 4He
A.Ya. Parshin, Uspekhi Fizicheskikh Nauk 135, 175 (1981)
- Crystallization Waves in Helium
A.Ya. Parshin,
Physica B, 109-110, (1982), 1819
- Surface phenomena in quantum crystals
K.O. Keshishev, A.Ya. Parshin, A.I. Shal'nikov,
in: Sov. Scientific Reviews; Sec. A: Physics Reviews, Ed. I.M. Khalatnikov (Harwood Academic, Chur), 4, (1982), 155
- Crystallization Waves in Helium
A.Ya. Parshin,
in: Phonon Scattering in Condensed Matter, Springer Verlag,(1984),226
Investigation of the Equilibrium Form of Helium Crystals in the Vicinity of Faceting Phase Transition
A.V. Babkin, K.O. Keshishev, D.B. Kopeliovich, A.Ya. Parshin, JETP Lett., 39, 633 (1984)
- Roughening Transitions on the Helium Crystal-Superfluid Interface
A.V. Babkin, K.O. Keshishev, D.B. Kopeliovich, A.Ya. Parshin,
Appl. of Surface Science, 22-23, (1985), 696
- An Experimental Investigation of Faceting Phase Transitions in 4He Crystals
A.V. Babkin, D.B. Kopeliovich, A.Ya. Parshin,
Sov. Phys. JETP, 62, (1985), 1322
- CrystallizationWaves in Helium
A.Ya. Parshin,
in: Low Temperature Physics, ed. A.S. Borovik-Romanov, MIR, Moscow, (1985), 15
Faceting Phase Transitions of Helium Crystals
A.F. Andreev, A.V. Babkin, A.Ya. Parshin, in: Problems of Crystallography, 149 (1987)
- Finite-Size Effects Cannot Explain Experimental Equilibrium Crystal Shape
A.Ya. Parshin, J.J. Saenz, N. Garcia,
J. Phys.C : Solid State Physics, 21, (1988), L305
- Observation of Excimer He-He Molecules in 4He Crystal
D.B. Kopeliovich, A.Ya. Parshin, S.V. Pereverzev,
JETP Lett:, 47, (1988), 51
- Spectral Properties and the Dynamics of He-He Molecules in 4He Crystals
D.B. Kopeliovich, A.Ya. Parshin, S.V. Pereverzev,
Sov. Phys. JETP 69 (1989), 638
- Direct Observation of Optical Absorption by Excess Electrons in Liquid Helium
A.Ya. Parshin, S.V. Pereverzev,
JETP Lett, 52, (1990),282
Microdispersive Superconductors in Ceramic and Polimeric Matrix
V.A. Alekseev, V.M. Baranovskii, A.A. Vedenov, A.V. Velichko, L.L. Zaytzeva, A.S. Kovalenko, M.I. Konarev, S.F. Leshenko, T.S. Mylnikova, A.Ya. Parshin, Yu. F. Ryzhkov, B.S. Skidan, A.I. Sukhih, N.A. Usov, L.I. Feklina, N.V. Shishkov, Bull. Mat. Sci. 14(2), 257 (1991)
- Spectroscopic Study of Excess Electrons in Liquid Helium
A.Ya. Parshin, S.V. Pereverzev,
Sov. Phys. JETP, 74, (1992), 68
- Equilibrium Shape of Rotating Helium Crystals
A.Ya. Parshin,
Physica B, 210, (1995), 383
- Observation of a New Surface State on 4He Crystal Interfaces
A.V. Babkin, H. Alles, P.J. Hakonen, A.Ya. Parshin, J.P. Ruutu, J.P. Saramaki,
Phys. Rev. Lett., 75, (1995), 3324
- Dimples due to Dislocations at the Superfluid/Solid Interface of 4He
H. Alles, A.V. Babkin, P.J. Hakonen, J.P. Ruutu, J.P. Saramaki, A.Ya. Parshin,
J. Low Temp. Phys., 101, (1995), 519
Evidence of a New Vicinal State on the 4He Crystal Interface
A.V. Babkin, H. Alles, P.J. Hakonen, J.P. Ruutu, J.P. Saramaki, A.Ya. Parshin, J. Low Temp. Phys. 101, 525, (1995)
- Optical Spectra of the Triplet Molecules 4He-4He in Superfliud Helium in a Magnetic Field
V.B. Eltsov, A.Ya. Parshin, I.A. Todoshchenko,
Sov. Phys. JETP, 81, (1995), 909
- Spiral Growth of c-facets in 4He Crystals at mK-Temperatures
P.J. Hakonen, A.Ya. Parshin, J.P. Ruutu, A.V. Babkin, J. Penttila, J.P. Saramaki, G.K. Tvalashvili,
Czech. J. Phys. 46, (1996), 469
- Observation of a new surface state on 4He crystal interfaces
A.V. Babkin, H.Alles, P,J, Hakonen, A.Ya. Parshin, J.P. Ruutu, J.P. Saramaki,
Czech. J. Phys. 46, (1996), 465
- Optical Spectra of the Triplet Molecules 4He-4He in Superfluid Helium in a Magnetic Field
V.B. Eltsov, A.Ya. Parshin, I.A. Todoshchenko, S.N. Dzhosyuk,
Czech. J. Phys. 46, (1996), 361
- Interferometric Studies of Interfaces at Millikelvin Temperatures
P.J. Hakonen, A.V. Babkin, A.Ya. Parshin, J.P. Ruutu, J.P.Saramaki, G.K. Tvalashvili,
Czech. J. Phys. 46, (1996), 2965
- Facet Growth of 4He Crystals at mK-Temperatures
J.P. Ruutu, P.J. Hakonen, A.V. Babkin, A.Ya. Parshin, J.S. Penttila, J.P. Saramaki, G.K. Tvalashvili,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 76, (1996), 4187
4He Crystals at mK-temperatures
J.P. Ruutu, P.J. Hakonen, A.V. Babkin, A.Ya. Parshin, G. Tvalashvili, Helsinki University of Technology, Low Temperature Laboratory, TKK-F A754, 44, (1996)
- Low Temperature Mobility of Steps on the 4He Crystal Facets: Effects of 3He Impurities
A.Ya. Parshin,
J. Low Temp. Phys. 110, (1998),133
- Do Dislocation Loops Destroy Facet Flatness?
J.P. Saramaki, A.V. Babkin, P.J. Hakonen, R.M. Luusalo, A.Ya. Parshin,
J. Low Temp. Phys. 110, (1998),141
Spectroscopic Studies of the Triplet State of 4He-4He Molecules in Superfluid Helium up to the Solidification Pressures
V.B. Eltsov, S.N. Dzhosyuk, A.Ya. Parshin, I.A. Todoshchenko, J. Low Temp. Phys. 110, 219, (1998)
- Growth of 4He Crystals at mK-Temperatures
J.P. Ruutu, P.J. Hakonen, A.V. Babkin, A.Ya. Parshin, G.K. Tvalashvili,
J. Low Temp. Phys. 112, (1998), 117
- Search for the Stabilizing Effect of Magnetic Field on a Gas of He-He Excitations in Liquid Helium Phases
V.B. Eltsov, A.Ya. Parshin, I.A. Todoshchenko,
J. Low Temp. Phys. 113, (1998), 525
Probing the Fine Structure of the 4He interface by 3He Atoms
J.P. Saramaki, V. Tsepelin,A.V. Babkin, P.J. Hakonen, J.J. Hyvonen, R.M. Luusalo, A.Ya. Parshin, G. Tvalashvili, Helsinki University of Technology, Low Temperature Laboratory, TKK-F A782, 7, (1998)
Facet Growth and Step Structure of 4He Crystals at mK-temperatures
J.P. Saramaki, V. Tsepelin, A.V. Babkin, P.J. Hakonen, A. Husmann, J.J. Hyvonen, R.M. Luusalo, A.Ya. Parshin, Helsinki University of Technology, Low Temperature Laboratory, TKK-F A783, 30, (1998)
- Elementary Steps on the 4He Crystal interface Probed by 3He Atoms
V. Tsepelin, J.P. Saramaki, A.V. Babkin, P.J. Hakonen, J.J. Hyvonen, R.M. Luusalo, A.Ya. Parshin, G.K. Tvalashvili,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 83, (1999), 4804
- Optical Observation of 3He Crystals at mK-Temperatures
J.P.H. Harme, H. Alles, A. Babkin, R. Jochemsen, A.Ya. Parshin, V. Tsepelin, G. Tvalashvili,
Physica B 284-288, (2000), 349
- Nucleation and Growth of 3He Crystals below 1 mK
V. Tsepelin, H. Alles, A. Babkin, J.P.H. Harme, R. Jochemsen, A.Ya. Parshin, G. Tvalashvili,
Physica B 284-288, (2000), 351
- Optical Spectra of the Triplet He-He Excitations in Various Phases of Liquid 3He and 4He under High Pressures
A.Ya. Parshin, I.A. Todoshchenko, S.G. Kafanov,
Physica B, 284-288, (2000), 91
- Structure and Dynamics of the He-He Molecular Complex in Condensed Phases of Helium
S.G. Kafanov, A.Ya. Parshin, I.A. Todoshchenko,
JETP 91, (2000), 991
- Direct Observation of (110), (100) and (211) Facets on 3He Crystals
V.Tsepelin, H. Alles, A. Babkin, J.P.H. Harme, R. Jochemsen, A.Ya. Parshin, G. Tvalashvili,
J. Low Temp. Phys. 121, (2000), 695
- Observation of Higher Order Facets on 3He Crystals
V. Tsepelin, H. Alles, A. Babkin, J.P.H. Harme, R. Jochemsen, A.Ya. Parshin, G. Tvalashvili,
Phys. Rev. Lett., 86, (2001), 1042
Morphology and growth kinetics of 3He crystals below 1 mK
Tsepelin, V., Alles, H., Babkin, A., Jochemsen, R., Parshin, A.Ya., Todoschenko, I., and Tvalashvili, G., HUT REPORTS, 1-31 (2001)
Observations on Faceting of 3He Crystals at 0.55 mK
H. Alles, V. Tsepelin, A.V. Babkin, R. Jochemsen, A.Ya. Parshin, I.A. Todoshchenko, J. Low Temp. Phys. 124, 189, (2001)
- Anisotropy of Growth Kinetics of 3He Crystals below 1 mK
V. Tsepelin, H. Alles, A. Babkin, R Jochemsen, A.Ya. Parshin, I.A. Todoshchenko,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 88, (2002), 045302
- Faceting on 3He Crystals
H. Alles, A. Babkin, R. Jochemsen, A.Ya. Parshin, I.A. Todoshchenko, V. Tsepelin,
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 99, (2002), 1796
- Vibrating Wire Measurements in Superfluid 3He at the Melting Curve down to 0.53 mK
I.A. Todoshchenko, H. Alles, A. Babkin, A.Ya. Parshin, V. Tsepelin,
J. Low Temp. Phys. 126, (2002), 1449
- Morphology and Growth Kinetics of 3He Crystals below 1 mK
V. Tsepelin, H. Alles, A. Babkin, R. Jochemsen, A.Ya. Parshin, I.A. Todoshchenko,
J. Low Temp. Phys. 129 (2002), 489
- Faceting and Growth Kinetics of 3He Crystals
H. Alles, A. Babkin, R. Jochemsen, A.Ya. Parshin, I.A. Todoshchenko, V. Tsepelin,
Physica B 329-333, (2003), 360
- Kinematic Multiplication of Steps on the Crystal Surface
A.Ya. Parshin, V.L. Tsymbalenko,
JETP Lett, 77, (2003), 321
- Optical Imaging of Helium Interfaces
H. Alles, A.Ya. Parshin,
J. Low Temp. Phys. 135, (2004), 665
- Surface of a 3He Crystal: Crossover from Quantum to Classical Behavior
I.A. Todoshchenko, H. Alles, H.J. Junes, A.Ya. Parshin, V. Tsepelin,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 93, (2004), 175301
- The Surface of Helium Crystals
S. Balibar, H. Alles, A.Ya. Parshin,
Rev. Mod. Phys. 77, (2005), 317
- Measurements on the Surface Tension of 3He Crystals near 100 mK
I.A. Todoshchenko, H. Alles, H.J. Junes, A.Ya. Parshin, V. Tsepelin,
J. Low Temp. Phys. 138, (2005), 811
- Facet Growth of 4He Crystal Induced by Acoustic Wave
H. Abe, Y. Saitoh, T. Ueda, F. Ogasavara, R. Nomura, Y. Okuda, A.Ya. Parshin,
J. Phys. Soc. Japan 75, (2006), 023601
- New Possibilities in Crystal Morphology
V.I. Marchenko, A.Ya. Parshin,
JETP Lett. 83, (2006), 416
- Kinematic Multiplication of Elementary Steps on the Surface of Helium Crystals
A.Ya. Parshin, V.L. Tsymbalenko,
JETP 103, (2006), 278
Measurements of the step energy on melting 3He crystals around 1 mK
Junes, H.J., Alles, H., Parshin, A.Ya., Todoshchenko, I.A., and Tsepelin, V., Proceedings of the XL Annual Conference of the Finnish Physical Society, 33 (2006)
- On the Growth Dynamics of 4He Crystals near the First Roughening Transition
I.A. Todoshchenko, H. Alles, H.J. Junes, A.Ya. Parshin,
AIP Conf. Proc. 850, (2006), 337
- Melting Curve of 4He: No Sign of a Supersolid Transition
I.A. Todoshchenko, H. Alles, J. Bueno, H.J. Junes, A.Ya. Parshin, V. Tsepelin,
PRL 97, (2006,), 165302
First Observation of the Critical Size of Facets on 3He Crystals near 1 mK
H.J. Junes,H. Alles, A.Ya. Parshin, I.A. Todoshchenko, V. Tsepelin, J. Low Temp. Phys. 146, 85, (2007)
Melting curve of helium-4: No sign of a supersolid transition down to 0.01 K
Alles, H., Bueno, J., Junes, H.J., Parshin, A.Ya., Todoshchenko, I., and Tsepelin, V., Proceedings of the XLI Annual Conference of the Finnish Physical Society, 38 (2007)
- Absence of Low Temperature Anomaly on the Melting Curve of 4He
I.A. Todoshchenko, H. Alles, H.J. Junes, A.Ya. Parshin, V. Tsepelin,
JETP Lett. 85, (2007,), 454
- Crystallization Waves on an Atomically Smooth Surface
R.B. Gusev, A.Ya. Parshin,
JETP Lett. 85, (2007), 588
Growth Dynamics and Faceting of 3He Crystals
I.A. Todoshchenko, H. Alles, H.J. Junes, A.Ya. Parshin, V. Tsepelin, J. Low Temp. Phys. 148, 635, (2007)
- On the Energy Spectrum of Helium II
V.I.Marchenko, A.Ya.Parshin,
JETP Lett. 87, 377 (2008)
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- Stacking Fault Energy in 4He Crystals
H.J. Junes, H. Alles, M.S. Manninen, A.Y. Parshin, I.A. Todoshchenko,
J. Low Temp. Phys. 153, 244 (2008)
- Elementary Excitations in Solid and Liquid 4He at the Melting Pressure
I.A. Todoshchenko, H. Alles, H.J. Junes, M.S. Manninen, A.Y. Parshin, V. Tsepelin,
J. Low Temp. Phys. 150, 258 (2008)
- Effect of the Magnetic Order on 3He Crystals
J. Bueno, R. Blaauwgeers, A.Y. Parshin, R. Jochemsen,
J. Low Temp. Phys. 150, 306 (2008)
- Devil's Staircase of Facets on the Surface of 4He Crystals
I.A. Todoshchenko, H. Alles, H.J. Junes, M.S. Manninen, and A.Ya. Parshin,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 255302 (2008)
- Growth of 3He crystals at different magnetic fields
J. Bueno, R. Blaauwgeers, A.Y. Parshin, and R. Jochemsen,
Fizika Nizkikh Temperatur, v. 34, Nos. 4/5, p.447-458 (p. 357-367 en) (2008)
- Nuclear Spin Ordering on the Surface of 3He Crystal: Magnetic Steps
I.A. Todoshchenko, H. Alles, H.J. Junes, M.S. Manninen, and A.Ya. Parshin,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 245302 (2009)
Experimental setup for the observation of crystallization waves in 3He
Manninen, M.S., Junes, H.J., Kaikkonen, J.P., Parshin, A.Ya., Todoshchenko, I.A., and Tsepelin, V., Journal of Physics: Conference Series 150, 012026 (2009)
- Anisotropy of c facets of 4He crystal.
I.A. Todoshchenko, M.S. Manninen, A.Ya. Parshin.
Phys. Rev. B84, 075132 (2011)
- Use of a quartz resonator of the tuning fork type as a thermometer in a dilution refrigerator.
S.T. Boldarev, R.B. Gusev, S.I. Danilin, A.Ya. Parshin.
Instruments and Experimental Techniques 54, 5, pp. 740-747 (2011)