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Parametric approach and Cramer-Rao accuracy limit

We consider here the approach formalism as it was given in [4] in its applications to the CERES Silicon Drift detector (SiDD). As it was shown in [5] the bell-shape form of the signal with reasonable assumption can be treated as a two-dimensional Gaussian with the maximum amplitude A. The digitized signal can be considered as two-dimensional histogram tex2html_wrap_inline225 formed by extracting cluster of adjacent cells with amplitudes exceeding a given threshold. However due to the factorial view of 2D Gaussian we can reduce this 2D problem to several one-dimensional ones tex2html_wrap_inline227 , which we suppose having the unit bin size, i.e. tex2html_wrap_inline229 .

In order to estimate the center and the amplitude of a signal we have to fit this histogram with the function tex2html_wrap_inline231 , where D is supposed to be known. The iterative solution of the corresponding least square functional tex2html_wrap_inline235 is elaborated in [4] on the basis of approximating tex2html_wrap_inline237 by an elliptic paraboloid. As initial values tex2html_wrap_inline239 of unknown parameters for this procedure in a single signal case we use maximum amplitude of input data and its position or the histogram center of gravity. Further we refer to this method as to Paraboloidal Approximation Method (PAM).

Analysing the PAM accuracy we use the standard maximum likelihood method (MLM) for estimating the signal amplitude A and location parameter tex2html_wrap_inline243 and apply the famous Cramer-Rao inequality [6] for low limit of these parameters estimation accuracy. Under conditions of the negligible correlation between tex2html_wrap_inline245 and A and for tex2html_wrap_inline249 and the gaussian shape of signals tex2html_wrap_inline251 we obtain


and its approximate estimation


If tex2html_wrap_inline253 , D=4, tex2html_wrap_inline257 , one has tex2html_wrap_inline259

The shape of a signal produced by two superimposing peaks can be described like


The minimized functional depends now on four parameters. Its minimization was done in [4] by direct generalization of the PAM procedure. The important innovation of the given paper is the idea to use, as initial values of parameters, results obtained by the non-parametric algorithm. Such combined NP-PAM method improves considerably the accuracy and reliability of the whole procedure.

Fig.1 The numerical test of two peaks reconstruction from the 16 bins histogram, size of 1 bin equal 32; a) input data: histogram - 1, instrumental function - 2, SNR=60 dB; b) output data: solid line 1 is presented the original peaks, black squares 2 are presented the reconstructed peaks by DCONV program [3]. The insert shows distribution of deviations between simulated and estimated peak positions obtained by the parametric PAM algorithm with starting values provided by non-parametric algorithm.

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Alexander S. Semenov
Wed Jul 2 11:24:36 MSD 1997